Brief Overview
Focusing on ICANN‘s commitment to the multistakeholder model, ICANN‘s Draft FY19 Operating Plan and Budget and the current year update to the Five-Year Operating Plan are provided for community discussion and public comment. ICANN seeks structured feedback on the plans described in these documents. The documents incorporate improvements on previous years based on regular interaction with the ICANN community and reflect FY19’s planned accomplishments towards the Five-Year Strategic Plan, which was adopted by the ICANN Board in October 2014.
Current Status:
The draft documents provided for this proceeding have been prepared and published for public review and comment. They describe ICANN‘s plans for FY19 and a high-level overview of FY20, including the plans to be carried out by PTI and IANA. Consultations were conducted on PTI’s draft FY19 plans during summer and fall of 2017. A report of public comments on the FY19 PTI and IANA Operating Plan and Budget was published in December 2017. The updated PTI Operating Plan and Budget was adopted by the PTI Board on 9 January 2018. The sections of the plans relating to PTI are therefore already finalized and are included in these documents to provide a complete picture.
Next Steps:
During Public Comment Period
- Two community webinars will be held to provide an overview of the Draft FY19 Planning Documents and highlights. Details for the calls will be posted on the ICANN Community Wiki Finance Workspace.
- Community members seeking clarification on any details in the Draft ICANN FY19 Operating Plan and Budget documents should submit questions to [email protected] by 30 January 2018.
- ICANN organization will provide responses to clarifying questions by 12 February 2018,four weeks before this public comment period ends.
After Public Comment Period
- ICANN organization will analyze the comments submitted and hold sessions with the community and ICANN Board at ICANN61 to discuss aspects of the comments that may need additional explanation. This step of the process is intended to enhance understanding of the comments and to improve the quality of the responses provided by the organization. The sessions will be public and attended by at least one ICANN Board member.
The schedule for this session, along with dial-in information, will be published on the ICANN Community Wiki Finance Workspace.
- The ICANN organization will prepare a report of public comments to be published by 12 April 2018. Where deemed necessary, changes will be made to the draft documents and revised versions will be posted to the website prior to ICANN Board adoption.
- The documents will be presented to the ICANN Board and proposed for adoption in May 2018, a minimum of 28 days in advance of the beginning of the next fiscal year to allow for Empowered Community review period.
Section I: Description and Explanation
ICANN seeks structured feedback on the plan described in these documents. They reflect the accomplishments planned for the current and next fiscal year, FY18 and FY19 and refinements based on regular interaction with the ICANN community.
Section II: Background
ICANN‘s planning process consists of a continuous cycle with the following four components:
- ICANN Strategic Plan
- ICANN Five-Year Operating Plan Update
- ICANN Fiscal-Year Operating Plan & Budget
- PTI Fiscal-Year Operating Plan & Budget
- IANA Budget Fiscal-Year Operating Plan and Budget
ICANN‘s Strategic Plan [PDF, 1.65 MB] was developed with community input and is updated every five years. The Strategic Plan shapes our priorities, informs our budget and drives our activities. ICANN‘s Strategic Plan for FY16-FY20 was adopted by the ICANN Board and published on 14 October 2014.
- Corresponding Key Performance Indicators
- Dependencies
- Five-Year Phasing
- A list of Portfolios
Following the adoption of the FY16-FY20 Strategic Plan in October 2014, ICANN organization developed and consulted on a Draft Five-Year Operating Plan, which was adopted by the Board in June 2015.
ICANN‘s Fiscal-Year Operating Plan and Budget is developed with input from the community to implement the Five-Year Operating Plan.
- The cycle concludes with achievement and progress reporting, conducted throughout the year via ICANN meetings, webinars, the Accountability Indicators and other dashboards, and the portfolio management system.
Section III: Relevant Resources
Open Date: 19 Jan 2018 23:59 UTC
Close Date: 8 Mar 2018 23:59 UTC
Staff Report Due: 12 Apr 2018 23:59 UTC
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