Daily Domain Picks 3-25-17 – TLD Investors

Daily Domain Picks 3-25-17


Go Daddy Auction Picks 3-25-17 Powered by ExpiredDomains.com

Fotto.com 18 year old domain that’s currently at $550. One of the more popular 5L naming conventions. 56 bids so far. Looks to have an Italian meaning as well.

Worrk.com currently at $197, now I get the workk add the repeating last letter which Fiverr made popular. I don’t get the middle letters as being that pleasing. But these names have been selling on BrandBucket and they have been approving a lot of them.

UnicornLabs.com Larry Kim should love this one, Larry is the founder of WordStream where he just stepped down to start a new company. Larry loves Unicorns.

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NamePros Auction Picks 03-25-17 Powered by NamePros Marketplace

Disclaimer: All domain investing is highly speculative, you may never sell a domain you purchase. A mention here is not a recommendation or solicitation to purchase, do your own research and stick to a budget.

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