So Jason Calacanis sold for $1.75 million as reported on his Twitter account. James Iles on Namepros confirmed the sale details.
When Jason tweeted out that he was leaning towards selling, a couple well known domainers tweeted back.
Morgan Linton told Jason to go for it:
@Jason Do it!
— Morgan Linton (@morganlinton) April 11, 2017
Andrew Rosener disagreed:
@Jason @DomainSherpa Don’t sell. You’re selling into a low market on the cusp of a magnitude shift in value over the next 3 years.
— (@MediaOptions) April 12, 2017
Now Jason has stated in the past that he had offers in the $2 and $3 million range.
Was this a mistake to sell for $1.75 million ? Only time will tell and I expect strong opinions on both sides.
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