A decade ago tomorrow, Michael posted about a bulk sale of t-shirt related domain names. 5 Names in total, T-Shirts.com, T-Shirt.com, Tshirts.com, Tee-Shirts.com and Tees.com.
Well it looks like one of my picks from the DomainFest auction for tomorrow, was sold tonight.
Moniker.com tonight announced that it successfully brokered T-Shirts.com, T-Shirt.com, Tshirts.com, Tees.com, Tee-Shirts.com for $1.265 million. The buyer is Costumes Galore, Inc. Nice sale. Congrats to the Buyer and Seller
Tom Fallenstein the owner of Costumes Galore (which runs on the .net) owns some great domain names, the top being FUN.com.
4 of the 5 names in the bulk buy continue to be owned by Mr. Fallenstein and are parked at Parking Crew. The only name no longer owned by Mr. Fallenstein is Tees.com.
Tees.com was sold for $50,000 at NamesCon 2018. The domain name sold back in 2008 for $252,500 at Sedo.
$1.265 million was a hell of a sales price and doubtful with Tees.com selling for just $50,000 that the other 4 can make up the slack.
This latest Domain News has been posted from here: Source Link