We are almost at the halfway point of 2023 and reported .ai domain name sales have already surpassed all of 2022 reported domain name sales. June 2023 .ai sales at whois.ai came in at $221,500.
In 2022 Namebio reported 718 sales, for a dollar volume of $878.7k the average sales price came in at $1,224
Five and a half months into 2023 and Namebio reports 877 sales for a dollar volume of $1.1m. Tge average sales price is relatively unchanged at $1,283.
When I speak to clients or read domain name wanted threads on forums, the request for either .ai domains or keywordai.com is one of the most popular requests.
When looking at a couple of other popular cctlds, .co and .io are both be behind last years pace. .Co has registered $342K in reported sales vs $1.1M in 2022 so they need to pick up the pace to have a shot at hitting or surpassing last year’s sales.
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