Bill Eisenmann is out today with a new list of available names: ActiveVolume.comAlaskanTundra.comAmphoral.comArmyBuds.comAttitudeFix.comAutoSalesPlus.comBailAndGo.comBareBot.comBasicBotany.comBayGrub.comBellyMate.comBiologyBuzz.comBorderCops.comBrassPosts.comBriocheBread.comBrookScott.comBudgetBite.comBuzzRatings.comCallabash.comCarryingCosts.comCashierSoft.comCementGrinder.comCherryStrudel.comChuckleMedia.comClipClaw.comCondonable.comCremeBerry.comCrunchyCake.comCulturedOnyx.comDeckSkirting.comDinghyCranes.comDomainProwess.comDriedOranges.comDueos.comEarthLotion.comEmeryPowder.comExarta.comFoamDomes.comFurriner.comGasGeneral.comGetAProfile.comGlowCycles.comGroupTechs.comGrowMethods.comHackerWise.comHighHealShoes.comHydraSilk.comIndustrialUse.comIntaglioRing.comInterSprout.comIsoFlash.comJawSpecialist.comJigHooks.comKaratMart.comLadyPlex.comLazyWire.comLingoForce.comLusterGlow.comMangoLiqueur.comMedLocket.comMentalTonic.comMiamiCourses.comMonsterHeels.comMuseva.comMudderTires.comNitroGem.comNutriNeeds.comOakBaskets.comPaintronics.comPieCrisp.comPlateauCity.comPopStarVideos.comPortableSteam.comPropBoxes.comRazzon.comRealGuardians.comRoomCommand.comSawdustLogs.comSeaStorms.comSeedGrinder.comSequinBag.comShoeRisers.comSideCell.comS Disclaimer: All domain investing is highly speculative, you may never sell a domain you purchase. A mention here is not a recommendation or solicitation to purchase, do your own research and stick to a budget. This latest Domain News has been posted…
Author: admin
Ali Zandi posts some of his new gtld sales
In a report your new gtld sales thread that was just the usual back and forth between the pro new gtld camp and the anti new gtld camp, Ali Zandi stepped up and reported some of his new gtld sales. He also provided the cost. Night.Life($5k in 2015) City.Life($4k in 2015) Design.Agency ($900 in 2015)…
Brandable Bits – Recent BB additions, DNBolt retiring ? – TLD Investors
In this edition of Brandable Bits we will look at a big brandable sale, recent additions to BrandBucket, and the possible retirement of BrandBucket’s worst nightmare. sells for $40,000 At the start of last week Chris Gimmer the co-founder of Snappa, published an article on how his company acquired the .com for his company.…
ѕех.com in auction at Sedo
ѕех.com in auction at Sedo – how much will it sell for? Posted by DomainGang on April 2, 2017, at 4:01 pm The domain name ѕех.com is now listed for sale at Sedo, with less than 10 hours to go. Many domain investors looking for adult domain names might be attracted to the raw simplicity…
Can the Domain King’s success be replicated in the future ?
Rick Schwartz made his triumphant comeback to domain commentary by getting on Twitter and filling up everyone’s timeline with domaining anecdotes, tips, and a few rants. One of the takeaways from Rick’s tweets in March was that he believes people can replicate his success today. He believes for every advantage he had in the past…