Update: yep, April Fools Literally two minutes ago, Rick Schwartz announced the following on twitter: “I would like to announce the sale of http://SMARTGLASSES.COM to MICROSOFT in biggest domain sale since 2015. $2.88MM. I Paid $3280 #Domains”The domain king does it again! It is however April 1st guys and I haven’t received an official confirmation…
Author: admin
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I’m happy to announce that DSAD will be starting a domain development division in the next month or so. We’re adding a new member to the team, a person with lot’s of business development experience and website design. He’s the winner of numerous awards and we think he’ll be…
118 Domain Discoveries for April 1st
Every day we scan more than one hundred thousand domains across all the major marketplaces and pending delete lists to find domains you can buy that have sold in the past. Sale history, like the age of a domain name, is a great proxy for quality to help the cream rise to the top. Today’s…
What do you got for $500 ?
Last summer we did a couple of posts that allowed readers to post their best name and what they had for sale for $2,500 or less. With this post tell everyone what you got for $500 max, I know it’s not a lot and no one should expect anything premium. Just a fun way to…
Audio Argument for Attempted ‘Calculated Theft’ of HeidiPowell.com Domain Name
UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT WESTERN DISTRICT OF WASHINGTON AT SEATTLE before Honorable Marc Barreca, Chapter 7, Hearing Date: March 22, 2017, Hearing Time: 10:00 a.m. Even if the trustee had known about the domain name, at the time, (whether it is in-fact property or not, or if it is, or was, an executory contract, at…