IMEC Hosting wins UDRP challenge on 20-year old domain – IPPro The Internet

 Internet News: IMEC Hosting wins UDRP challenge on 20-year old domain IPPro The Internet IMEC Hosting has retained its two-decade old domain after Imec International accused the web hosting service of cybersquatting. Imec International owns the domain name, and claimed that IMEC Hosting had no rights or legitimate interest … This latest Domain News has

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ICANN: Join our webinar on Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Draft Report

On Monday, 3 April 2017, join the Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team (CCT-RT) for one of two webinars on its Draft Report and Recommendations. This webinar provides you with the opportunity to learn about proposed improvements to the New generic Top-Level Domain (New gTLD) program and to share your input and ask

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