CIRA has added another tool to its growing portfolio of cybersecurity solutions with the introduction of D-Zone Cybersecurity Awareness Training. CIRA, the Canadian ccTLD registry manager, has partnered with Beauceron Security to bring Canadian institutions an advanced cybersecurity training and awareness platform to help turn their users into defenders.

While D-Zone DNS Firewall and D-Zone Anycast DNS defend at the DNS layer, CIRA D-Zone Cybersecurity Awareness Training mobilises any organisation’s most critical layer of defence—its users—to add extra vigilance to its security footprint.
“The responsibility for cybersecurity is no longer solely on
the IT department; all users have a role to play,” said Dave Chiswell, vice
president, product development, CIRA. “Employees who are cyber aware can be a
company’s biggest asset in the escalating battle against cybercrime. Beauceron
has created a platform that delivers cybersecurity training in a simple and
engaging way. We are proud to have them as a partner in our growing suite of
cybersecurity services.”
Cybersecurity is a significant issue for businesses, not just in Canada but around the world. CIRA’s 2018 Cybersecurity Survey found 43% of all Canadian organisations still suffered business-impacting cyberattacks. As the organisation size increased that number increases. This underscores the importance of adding employees to the defensive posture and not just treating them as a risk to be managed with technology.
“Beauceron is proud to be partnering with an organisation
that shares our goal of making a more secure online experience accessible to
all Canadians,” said David Shipley, chief executive officer, Beauceron Security.
“CIRA is a trusted partner with a methodical approach to meeting the needs of
their clients and community. We’re excited for what this partnership will
The D-Zone Cybersecurity Awareness Training is a highly
integrated and comprehensive cybersecurity awareness training platform that provides
user assessments, surveys, training, phishing simulation, and risk management
to empower organisations to turn their employees into a robust layer of
Organisations implementing D-Zone Cybersecurity Awareness
Training, CIRA says, see an average three-times reduction in users being
tricked by phishing emails.
D-Zone Cybersecurity Awareness Training includes
industry-leading integration testing, simulation and reports to provide a fully
automated platform that requires minimal IT management. The platform
automatically adjusts the frequency and level of testing and training based on
user behaviour.
D-Zone Cybersecurity Awareness Training makes cybersecurity
awareness more engaging through gamification. Personal dashboards accessed via
SAML-based identity provide a snapshot and score for users and departments to
track their improvement. It also allows organisations to manage and compare
against NIST cybersecurity standards.
CIRA is adding D-Zone Cybersecurity Awareness Training to
its portfolio of cybersecurity products as part of its mission to help Canadian
institutions protect their networks, safeguard user data, and do it all with a
made in Canada solution.
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