Tony Cassella shared this story with me about him selling a website and domain name that he owned for almost a quarter century. StealsAndDeals.com. The buyer Knocking Inc out of Connecticut.
Tony is now putting most of his efforts into his premium one word domain name, Storks.com

StealsAndDeals.com Sells after 23 Years in Business!
Back in early 1998 I hand registered a large amount of good domains. Within 6 months I built websites on about ten of them. Three of these websites made money almost immediately. One of these was titled “Steals and Deals”, with the domain “StealsAndDeals.com”. I felt it would have a good chance for success since there was an evening TV show called “Steals and Deals”. This popular business TV show ran on CNN for 9 years.
There is also a Steals And Deals weekly publication in Seagrove, NC that is widely circulated to almost 200,000 readers in 24 Counties. Their domain is StealsAndDealsOnline.com
Then there is the popular show titled “Local Steals And Deals”, domain “LocalStealsAndDeals.com”, Jill’s Steals and Deals, GMA Steals And Deals, etc., which airs on TV morning shows. AmericasStealsandDeals.com ( Sinclair Broadcasting Group), WeatherStealsandDeals.com (The Weather Channel) , FamilyStealandDeals.com ( Family Feud) and more.
Needless to say, all these “Steals And Deals” businesses brought traffic and customers to my website and offers.
Although StealsAndDeals.com made a decent income, it did require space for inventory and constant buying and selling which wasn’t my specialty nor expertise.
A few months ago, I was approached by someone who wanted to buy StealsAndDeals.com. from me. His offer was generous but not quite the type of offer that would make me want to part with the domain. After a few months of negotiations, we finally made a deal on June 18th, 2021. I felt it made sense since this website was a huge distraction from my main focus of my Family/Baby Brand known as “Storks.com”, at the simple website domain of “Storks.com”.
Today, I am placing the majority of my efforts on “Storks.com”. It’s a business I have a deep passion for and is growing exponentially.
The fact is that Website Advertising, Ltd of Oyster Bay, NY sold to Knocking, Inc of Fairfield, CT. There is an NDA on the sale price, so I cannot mention it but I think the price we settled on was fair for both of us.
Even though I sold many domains and websites before, this is so far the most mature. It’s just a little shocking that I parted with a domain and website I had for almost a quarter of a century.
Tony Cassella
Website Advertising, Ltd.
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