It’s Google Wednesday! I am kidding of course but here is our second Google story today.
A couple days ago there was a lot of reactions to what was seen as a major update for Google search. It got a lot of people flustered and wondering what was happening with their websites position in the serp.
Barry Schwartz over at Search Engine Roundtable wrote about one of the biggest updates he had seen in a long time.
He has now published a follow up article that the update was a bug.
Yesterday afternoon I reported on one of the biggest Google updates we have seen in a long time. It was so big and the results were so all over the place, many suspected it was a bug. And a bug it was. A Google spokesperson confirmed with me over email last night ” I confirmed with the team that this is a bug that we are fixing but still in the process of fully diagnosing, so we don’t have specific details to share right now.”
In the comments some showed their traffic in a V pattern, going back up after the bug was fixed.

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