Flippa ran a one day virtual show back at the beginning of July. The show was named “Own Your Future”
James Altucher was one of the featured speakers. Flippa has now uploaded his talk to YouTube. Altucher is a guy that provides a lot of interesting thoughts and ideas, can also be very controversial. James has strong opinions on not buying a home or sending children to college.
His podcast has had over 40million downloads.
He discusses why he believe that it’s much more interesting to buy an existing business than to start a business.
Years ago James talked about domain names on his blog. Interestingly he wrote he once had breakfast with the original registrant of Sex.com.
A reader asked James “Do you see value in domain names?”
The reply included, The day of the “.com” is disappearing. Several of the domain names I was asked to sell were very common word names and yet proved to be unsellable.
(We all know that’s simply untrue)
James added:
In fact, if you use compete.com to compare “bitly.com” with “bit.ly” you can see a huge difference. Nobody even cares about the “.com”. So if you were thinking of going into the domaining business I’d say you are ten years too late. And if you are in that business, I’d begin unwinding now.
This was a post from 2011. So James would have been referencing 2001-2002 as the right timing for domaining. In 2020 domain investing is doing just fine.
This latest Domain News has been posted from here: Source Link