The top sale of the day was which sold for $18,626 at Sedo. NameBio recorded 174 sales for a total of $137,094 with an average sale price of $788. Compared to the previous day there was a decrease of 5% in the number of sales but the total dollar amount increased by 5%. The…
IKE’S LIST OF DOMAINS AT AUCTION FOR Saturday, April 8th just announced that they are changing their commission structure for names priced over $50K. In an email sent yesterday to BB users Michael Krell said the following “Over the last year we have received many requests from buyers for premium names over $50K, but haven’t had the inventory to fulfill this demand. In an effort…
103 Domain Discoveries for April 8th
Every day we scan more than one hundred thousand domains across all the major marketplaces and pending delete lists to find domains you can buy that have sold in the past. Sale history, like the age of a domain name, is a great proxy for quality to help the cream rise to the top. Today’s…
Hockey – Sports Keyword Rich .COM Domains Reg Fee Opps 225+ Items Includes People Names
Today’s List .COM Keyword Rich AND a Batch of People Names in .COM Available For Reg Fee 225+ Items Enjoy the List… —————————————— . DOMAINS AVAILABLE BELOW HappyHealthyLifeRightNowHockeyProSportsHalfPriceEducation HappyDogCampusGreenVineProductionsGreenThumbAdvertising GreenstoneIndustriesGreenStreeetBambooGreenStreetPublishing GreenShoppingGuruHostNotebookHopeHairClinic HockeyBroadcastingHitYourScoreGrindstoneWrestling GuadeloupeMedicalGrownManGuideGrizzlyControl GreenYardLawncareGreenwichObstetricsHabitableIslands HackathonAddictGuidedFishingConnectionGuatemalaDeepSeaFishing GuatemalaFishingChartersHangingASwingHangoutScene HandsWeTrustHandsWithIntentionHandwritingCenter HandmadeCrystalCreationsHandmadeGiftsUKHandmadePhonecase HandEyeCoordinationTechHancockApplianceRepairsHamptonRoadsHomeServices HamptonSandwichFactoryHamptonStagingGroupHamsterGirls HamiltonHomeMakingHalfmoonLoveHalfpriceFinance HairstylistAppHackTextMessagesHappyFaceToday HappyHealthyAbundantHappyDirectingHappilyHalfAssed HappeningDayHappeningsNewHansensWidePlankFlooring HarlemBrosPizzaHarlemWoodBarHarlemWoodInn HardwareMarketOnlineHardware-101HardPointInternational HardpointWorldwideHardpointHoldingsHardcoreEarthMoving HappyValleyTransportHappySplitEndingsHealingHemorrhoidsNow HealingWithHolyPlantsHealth-and-Wellness-CompaniesHealth-and-Wellness-Jobs HeadshotsWilmingtonHealing-HelpersHeadshotBrand HaystackConferenceHawaiiUpCloseHawkeyePCRepair HarmonyOFRealityHarringtonGenealogyHealthRewarder HealthTacticalHealthTechDirectHealthTipsGeek HealthWebReviewsHealthShopExpressHealthSolutionsCompared HealthStoreForPetsHealthPractitionerAllianceHealthPractitionersAlliance…
A comprehensive look at the final auction prices, closeouts and more from the auction list posted on April 6, 2017. If there is an asterisk (*) next to a price, it means that the name was at auction from a private seller (rather than an expiring name) and may have had a reserve. I’m only showing…