Apr 3, 2017 / by CODE & CONDUIT PODCAST: HOLDING ICANN ACCOUNTABLE Critics of the U.S. government’s decision to give up oversight of internet technical functions were worried that the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, which manages the domain name system, wouldn’t be accountable enough to domain applicants and the internet community.…
Give us Barabbas! Give us Barabbas! :Domain News
Editorial – Domainer Passover : Give us Barabbas! Give us Barabbas! Posted by DomainGang on April 3, 2017, at 1:45 pm Jesus Francus Schillingus A group of rowdy domainers gathered outside the house of Icannius Pilate, armed with pitchforks and torches. With covered faces, despite the ample darkness provided by the veil of night, they…
Francois closes down Lend.me, relocates Valuate.com
Francois closes down Lend.me, relocates Valuate.com – plus membership discounts Posted by DomainGang on April 3, 2017, at 12:59 pm Francois Carrillo French domain entrepreneur, Francois Carrillo, announced some news today, about changes to his domain-related projects. Valuate, an automated domain valuation system, will be relocating its functions to Domaining.com/valuate. The domain Valuate.com is now…
Too little, too late: Uniregistry will offer price protection on 9 domain extensions
Uniregistry issued a press release today that was pretty difficult to understand until you reached the end of it. And even then it is pretty cryptic. In essence they mumbled that grandfathering existing registrations was “technically difficult and confusing for customers”. Registrars complained about different premium models being hard to implement back in 2014 but…
UK Child Protection Agency Finds 5 TLDs Account For 80% of Child Porn
Five top level domains accounted for 80% of all webpages identified as containing child sexual abuse images and videos, according to the 2016 annual report from the UK’s online reporting hotline for child sexual abuse, the Internet Watch Foundation, released today, with 57,335 URLs containing child sexual abuse imagery and these were hosted on 2,416…