Daily Domain Picks 4-2-17 April Fool’s day seems like it’s off to an interesting start. Go Daddy Auction Picks 4-2-17 Powered by ExpiredDomains.com 77N.com already over $4,000 Bursty.com 14 bids so far, $100. CookGood.com 0 bids, GoodCook.com obviously superior but this might be ok on the cheap. Full List 77N.com AffordableDrones.com AfterWords.com AQVQ.com Boutique.cc BurnCare.com…
$131k in Sales on April 1st – Invertir.com sold for $16,000 – Daily Market Report
The top sale of the day was invertir.com which sold for $16,000 at GoDaddy, it means “to invest” in Spanish. NameBio recorded 188 sales for a total of $131,325 with an average sale price of $699. Compared to the previous day there was a decrease of 17% in the number of sales and the total…
Domain Shane’s Daily List of Domains at Auction for Sunday April 2nd
Yesterday I had a famous domain investor stop by the nursery. Not Dennis Toeppen. Although he does live down the street. No, this guy pull in a truck that has a domain related license plate and his kid gets out with a cup full of dandelions and comes up to me and says “I…
121 Domain Discoveries for April 2nd
Every day we scan more than one hundred thousand domains across all the major marketplaces and pending delete lists to find domains you can buy that have sold in the past. Sale history, like the age of a domain name, is a great proxy for quality to help the cream rise to the top. Today’s…
363721.com, ZAMZ.com | GoDaddy GoAfter Domains 04-02-17
Jijo Pappachan Jijo Pappachan is a Chinese Domain names investor, trader, broker, author, and blogger. He started domaining in 2015 and made it big during the surge that time. He has sold more than 1000 domains. He is part of DNOAi, Domain Name Owners Association of India.[Disclaimer: My analysis could…