Today’s Treat Five Character .COM’s 75+ Items Shorties… People Names… Abbreviations… Others… Reg Fee Opps… Enjoy the List . ———————————————– . DugdiKigluJofokJirihHofuzEikahGidzaGhichEunueArhouAlzekAtdoeAtjunKlibzKnoalKaiwyKawjuKayewItBieIfDexIdozdHydavDeamtDgnokDhudh FaipeEivna BBeceBBeilDDLooCYuwzCVepoDZaazESazvESzaoETajoETuezGDeeoFWamxFConoHLudaHdHumHayGCJFegiJSafiJSoogJLomeKGenaLLaabLotCPLQRay CobTMCobTnCobTxLOLVzLOLWv AtDuiBpDuiCvBad As-DwAs-QaAs-QeAs-QwCs-DaCs-EdCs-ErCs-QeHm-ToEw-QaEs-OlEi-KeIs-HQJs-RoId-fi G-iviE-XNYAAA-CC-HerI-DSLIit-E LopuxMajsk . —————————————————————————This is what I have been up to lately… Take a Peek ————————————————————————— . AajpgAcxnbAddwzAdfdoAhqeyAhtncAiajwAigajAjethAkezi AkjxsAkpyxAmaaqAmaybAnntxAnvbsAotctAqqdfAsjgeAsnbe AtcaoAtcuoAtdiuAtguaAthuoAtkouAtktaAtkuaAtkuiAtlve AtneiAtqieAtqiuAtybeAtzuiAuoviAuuxoAvanqAvifrAvivfAweiy AwxmtAxyzvBaipyBaoiuBbebcBbsabBbsalBbublBcsweBctumBgebc BgsegBhebcBimpkBjdisBjeiwBjeowBjiowBjkiwBjoiwBjouwBjuaw BjufwBjujwBjukwBjulwBjunwBjuowBjuqwBjutwBjuxwBjuzwBjyaj BnebcBnpolBociuBpisiBpjunBulgtBzguiBzhbiCabrgCadjpCaesjCbbez CbukcCdebcCeoehCfyahCiapkCidngCidyjCjebcClepgCobdnCobrbCobtz CochkCocpfCoftfConzvCtebcCvbtuCvbutCvbviCvbvoCvbweCxipcDdhok DejmlDeyztDgebcDizsdDjraaDkesdDldavDmebcDonbdDowdpDtedm…
Sob stories won’t get you the domain name
Poor students, single moms, ailing septuagenarians – all seems to be fair in the endless war of domain acquisitions, as far as inquiries go. While each one of these faux intros is a class of its own, I must admit I rarely have someone hit me with a major “sob story” right off the bat.…
UDRP by Indian company fended off at the WIPO :Domain News : UDRP by Indian company fended off at the WIPO Posted by DomainGang on March 24, 2017, at 12:07 pm UDRP has been denied. The UDRP against by an Indian company has been denied at the WIPO. Lekhraj Corp Pvt. Ltd. of Mumbai, India, asserted that the domain, registered in 2003, infringed on…
Boston Ivy Slashes Registry Fee For 4 Of Its New gTLDs By Up To 97%
Boston Ivy is slashing the registry fee for 4 of its 6 new gTLDs by up to 97% in a bid to boost registrations. The Boston Ivy new generic Top Level Domains are all aimed at the financial markets. The biggest reduction in registry fee is for .forex, which will see its registry fee for…
From the fake news department with a domain name angle – Domain Name Wire
Story claimed Trump sent a cease & desist letter about a domain name, but the domain wasn’t even registered. Earlier this week, published an article about the poor fate of a teenager who registered the domain name The article said that Donald Trump’s team of lawyers sent the girl a cease & desist…