
Neustar Research Reveals 92% of UK Organisations Unaware of Impact DNS is having on Internet Users

[news release] Neustar, Inc., a trusted, neutral provider of real-time information services, today [22 March] released findings from new research into how UK businesses are provisioning domain name system (DNS) servers and services, finding that 92 percent have limited visibility of the impact DNS performance is having on their internet users and visitors to their

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The return of the domain registrar operations :Domain News

The return of the domain registrar operations Posted by DomainGang on March 24, 2017, at 11:38 am  After almost 8 weeks of downtime, Domainking.NG is back in business, or so they appear to be. The Nigerian domain registrar’s Indian founders have returned to “active duty” and are responding to support tickets, actively engaging with

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