Tema.com just closed at $128,938

Tema.com just closed at $128,938 at DropCatch. The domain name was owned by a Swedish company named Rectus for years. Rectus was acquired by Parker Hannafin in 2007.


The bidding popped from $109,137 to $128,888 by namecatching but the bidder determined all along 888bbb had them covered.

Spanish translation to the word Theme, or Subject. Hungarian for topic. Looks to be a couple other uses.

888bbb $128,938 May 13, 2020  at 3:22 PM
namecatching $128,888 May 13, 2020  at 3:22 PM
888bbb $109,137 May 13, 2020  at 3:22 PM
first1 $109,087 May 13, 2020  at 3:22 PM
888bbb $109,037 May 13, 2020  at 3:21 PM
first1 $108,987 May 13, 2020  at 3:21 PM
888bbb $108,937 May 13, 2020  at 3:21 PM
contact $108,887 May 13, 2020  at 3:21 PM

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